Party of One
Hustling in business is an art form. It’s not sporadic or out of control. Each step, motion, or choice is calculated. Winging it can only get you so far. There has to be an end goal in mind. A central vision has to be declared and established. Otherwise, you’ll start spinning in too many directions. What you wanted to create will get messy.
I’ve spent the last week pondering. In between making meals, packing bags, making lists, washing clothes, and traveling…I have been in a serious conversation with myself. I entered the boardroom (of my mind) and attended MANY meetings. Some went well and many others ended without any resolution being produced. Lots of ideas were tossed about as I was aiming to create the foundation I wanted to build on.
The one thing that was established very early is that it takes HUSTLE to get this work produced. No one else is writing down the words I say on this blog, Facebook, or Instagram. It’s me. A party of one. It takes a major amount of hustle in order to get the work done. This last week I had to remain steadfast on forming my goals.
The most wonderful part of this whole thing that I’m building is that the work has been enjoyable. It is exciting, thrilling, and awesome that I get to create content through videos and images…AND I get to share it with friends. I love it. I’m going to keep at it, as the ideas keep coming forth. I also pray that God will use me for His purpose in all these things. I want to be a source of encouragement for you all, through the silly, the everyday, and tough stuff. It’s my goal.
Whatever it is that you are working on, I know that you realize that the hustle is going to have to come from YOU. Ideas are great, right? But YOU will have to do the work. YOU will have to push. YOU will have to keep on keep’n on. Just keep on brainstorming. Set up time for those inner meetings of your mind, your inner board room. Meet with people who have experience with what you want to accomplish. Gather information, read articles, and keep at the hustle.
God has a plan and you got the hustle.
-Erin AKA CoffeeMamaBear