Perfect Cold Brew Coffee – Three Methods

You want a great cup, whether cold brew is your preferred drink of choice or you rotate to it during the hot summer months. Perfect cold brew coffee can be made at home! I purchased three different cold brew makers to review. The same coffee was used in all three makers, Oak Cliff Coffee Roaster’s Ronald Tunque, Peru. I used one cup coarse ground coffee and four cups of water in each brewer. They sat on my counter for twelve hours. Let’s get ready for a delicious caffeine rush!

These are the coffee makers & accessories I purchased:
Semko Cold Brew Coffee Maker
Bodum French Press
Coffee Sock Filter, 64oz Mason Jar, and Mason Jar Lid w/handle

The Semko is made from borosilicate glass, which makes this carafe a bit stronger than some of the other similar types available. The filter is easily removable, double-fine mesh, and made from stainless steel. I love the airtight seal too! This maker yielded the sweetest of the coffee notes. No bitter taste was found from the front or back notes. After 12 hours, the color was still light amber, so I’d leave it to brew for longer next time to make a stronger cup.

Semko Cold Brew Coffee Maker
Semko Cold Brew Coffee Maker

Next up for review is the trusty Bodum French Press! I know that the french press is a more common kitchen item, so I really wanted to know the results of this test. The French Press yielded the cup with the most bitter taste. I’m not saying that the French Press can’t work, but it needs some tweaking and some sweet milk! The color of the coffee was the darkest, so I’d start by reducing the amount of beans. I’d aim for a 1/2 cup of coarse ground coffee and stick with the 4 cups of water. Reducing the brew time would help too.

The Coffee Sock in a 64oz mason jar was a new experience for me! I do like that the filter is reusable and made from organic cotton. It was crafted in Austin, TX, and I love supporting a company from my home state! The Coffee Sock yielded a delightfully smooth cup and was lightly sweet. The coffee color was a medium amber and I would increase the amount of coffee grounds to water ratio. I like that I can make a big batch with the 64oz mason jar, as there was enough space to double the amount of coffee yielded. Perfect for making and sharing with friends and family.

The Coffee Sock, 64oz Mason Jar, and Lid with Handle
The Coffee Sock, 64oz Mason Jar, and Lid with Handle

One thing for sure it that I’ll be drinking lots of cold brew coffee this summer! I enjoyed the Semko and the Coffee Sock the best. I will be adjusting brew time and coffee to water ratios for both makers. I’ll update here with those findings! I loved the sweetness of the roast from OCCR. It had notes of apples, pistachio, and brown sugar. Milk or sugar is optional with such a delicious roast!

Until next time, may your coffee be perfect and life just as sweet.
– Erin

For questions or comments, feel free to email me:

Links are affiliated. I appreciate the support!

Farmhouse Renovation – All the Details (Part 1)

We’re almost done with the contract work for our farmhouse renovation! That doesn’t mean that we are done with all the work, but it’s a great leap forward towards finishing it out. My husband, Michael, has been building his specialty tool collection in the garage over the last 8 years! They’ll all come in handy for our upcoming projects. My handyman skills are small, but helpful. I like sanding and painting. Michael doesn’t like painting and he “tolerates” sanding…The Lord paired us well!
More “Before” images can be found here.

Our "before" images of the farmhouse renovation.
Our “before” images of the farmhouse renovation.

We were immediately drawn to the tall ceilings and the awesome beams currently installed in the living room and the breakfast nook. In the first stage of renovations, we hired an engineer to determine if removing the inner walls of the kitchen area were a possibility. Luckily, they were! A 22ft steel beam was installed as well as a 10 ft cross beam. The 22ft beam runs from the foyer all the way to the outer kitchen wall. We also had to have those electrical cords hanging down rerouted in the process.

22ft Header and 10 ft Cross Beam in the Kitchen
22ft Header & 10ft Cross Beam in the Kitchen

There were two surprises that happened during this reno stage. We found out that during a previous renovation they had capped off some existing plumbing lines from when the design was a galley style kitchen. They were still above ground, so we had to hire a plumber who spent two days drilling and fixing the issue before we could move on to flooring installation. The other surprise was a happy one in that the fur-downs/soffits above the kitchen cabinets could be removed! We did not have the option to raise the ceiling in the kitchen area because of the placement of the headers, so this was the next best thing in order to make the kitchen appear more open.

Plumbing Issue & Fur-down Removal
Plumbing Issue & Fur-Down Removal

Besides our kitchen renovation, we wanted to update and add character to the foyer area. The paneling was removed from the main wall. We also decided to add brick columns and two arches to make it a large design element. A lot of thought went into the column size, what worked for the space, where electrical would be located, and that was all before we even selected the brick!

The foyer during the renovation process.
The foyer during the renovation process.

It took a few weeks to select our targeted look for the design details. We scoured previous decor magazines that I had collected over the years, like Southern Living, and we browsed Pinterest too. We pulled together elements that leaned on farmhouse and french country styles. Our main desire when picking out the details were items that encourage comfort, not chaos. As we move forward in selecting furniture, in the upcoming months, we’ll be sticking with those themes as well!

Our flooring selection, which was the design detail we chose first, we went with “Walnut Brook CW98” from American Olean‘s Creekwood Collection. We made sure to choose a wood-look tile made out of porcelain, as ceramic has a tendency to chip easily. Our kids and the dog are a rough and tumble bunch, so we needed to choose a flooring that could handle them!

Truffle grout color from Mapei
Truffle grout color from Mapei

If you ever want to go with wood-look tile, I have this important tip for you when selecting grout color. Find the grout that matches your selection exactly and then choose the color that is one step darker. This will provide a more shadowy look and help provide more realism to the wood-look tile upon install. We went with Mapei‘s “Truffle” grout color.

If you hate making decisions, picking out brick will be your worst nightmare! We had a great idea of what we wanted, but it still took the entire hour allotted to comb through the giant warehouse of a showroom to narrow it down. We went with “Old Hard Tan” from Old Texas Brick. I also carried a piece of our flooring with us the entire day as we were off to pick out the kitchen island slab after lunch. I would highly recommend bringing any tile, flooring, or other textile samples with you when going through the selection process!

Old Hard Tan Brick Sample from the Warehouse
Old Hard Tan Brick Sample from the Warehouse

The slab yard was so fun to visit! The guy in charge showed us all the options available for white slabs with veining. I made a selection and they kindly brought a truck over to turn it around so I could see the whole piece. I loved this veining and the color worked well with our flooring sample. We chose “Bianco Venatino Quartz Polished” from Everest Stone.

Bianco Venatino Quartz Polished, from Everest Stone
Bianco Venatino Quartz Polished, from Everest Stone

We’ll get in to more of the nitty gritty kitchen selections for paint, cabinet color, and exactly what we’re doing with the paneling left in the breakfast nook in my next post! We’ve got a lot of detail work ahead of us. Until next time, keep your chin up and may your coffee cup be full!
-Erin aka Coffee Mama Bear

Please feel free to email me with any questions or comments:
For more coffee fun and connection follow me on Instagram!

Cup of Encouragement – Grief and Coffee

Last Thanksgiving, I was not thankful. I did not want to look people in the eye, accept hugs, smile, or make small conversational chit chat. It took every ounce of self control to sit, make myself numb, and stare at the parade on TV. I wanted to scream. I needed to cry. I didn’t have a desire to eat anything. Turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy were not going to make this better.

The day before Thanksgiving, I found myself staring a bright red blood. This was not supposed to happen, again. My plan for Thanksgiving day was to do my best to hide the secret that I was pregnant while hanging out with our family. I had already visited with a midwife and started planning what life was going to be like with a third baby. All my dreams broke that morning. My husband ran into the bathroom and hugged me, while I sobbed on the toilet.

I had my first miscarriage in 2015 and shortly after became pregnant again with Charlotte. Charlotte was born in the middle of some crazy times, but we praised the Lord for our rainbow baby. During the grief process, I felt a desire to name our baby that we lost. I chose the name Jesse. Jesse means “gift” and it was truly a gift to be able to hold Jesse in my womb, even if it was for a short time. My husband was the one to name our baby this time, our loss last Thanksgiving. Casey is the name he chose and it means “brave”. Casey would have been born this July.

Casey was a surprise baby, so we knew that Casey had an impression to make on our life, the details unknown to us at the time. Casey pushed me to be brave. This tiny, beautiful person, that I held in my womb for a short time. Just like I knew that my daughter, Charlotte, was going to be an opinionated brown haired girl…I knew that Casey was feisty. In the midst of this surprise we spoke to the Lord, “We will care for this child you have given us because we know that you have a purpose for this life.” God is the giver of life and He places great value on it, even in the womb.

Psalm 139:13-14 – ” For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Job 33:4 – ” The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.”

Grief had me in a place where I felt really lost. My brain and my heart were really overwhelmed. I eventually resigned from my wedding album design job and I rested for a couple months. It wasn’t easy for me to rest. I also didn’t have any direction, that’s what bothered me the most. I was very depleted creatively. I needed something that was mine, a project, and a happy outlet for myself. I signed up for Instagram in late April 2019. I still remember staring at the blinking cursor, trying to come up with my Instagram handle. I typed in “Coffeemamabear”. The two most important parts of my everyday.

I have had to wrap myself around the knowledge that I will never be the same. Grief always make a mark. When the girls were smaller I would count, “1…2…” while keeping track of them during shopping trips and even then I felt like I was still missing someone. There should have been another curly haired babe or two to include in the count.

Life is a gift, it is precious, and people fight by all sorts of means to keep it. I know that I really had no control over Jesse or Casey’s future. God knows the reason we lost them and I will never know it while on this earth. I have to rest in knowing that God’s plan is best. I have to place my trust in God. My family will just always feel a little incomplete, while we are here on this earth. I do hold on to this…it will be a sweet reunion for us all when we get to heaven.

Based on my experience with grief, I have figured this part out…grief is not some hill to quickly climb and conquer. Grief is the process of learning how to live with a hole in your heart. Someone can be happy and still be wrestling with grief. You can enjoy food, a sunset, time with friends, music, and still be wading through grief. Sometimes grief will hit at an inopportune time or show itself through anger, anxiety, depression, etc. I’ll end with this…The number one thing you can do at any stage of grief is to be gentle with yourself. Be kind in your self talk and do the best you can to be with people who are kind to you too.

Feel free to email me:
You can also find me on Instagram: @coffeemamabear
And Facebook: Coffee Mama Bear

Cup of Encouragement – Woodhouse and Company

Guinevere – Owner of Woodhouse and Co

This is our FIRST business profile here at Coffee Mama Bear! I stumbled upon Gwen’s Facebook page after a friend of mine posted cute pictures of her NEW custom made patio furniture that was delivered to her house! I immediately knew that I wanted to meet the maker of that cool furniture. After discovering her Facebook page, Woodhouse and Co, I messaged Gwen about taking some pictures of her work. I crossed my fingers that she would say “YES”! Low and behold, she wasn’t weirded out by me and she was fully on board with a photo shoot. Gwen is amazing, get ready to learn more about the heart and soul of her business…this is your cue to grab coffee. 😉

Woodhouse and Company was founded in 2017 and is owned and managed by Guinevere Sturch at her home in Mckinney, TX! Gwen is very personable, kind, hard working, and dedicated to her craft. She is also a stay at home mom and takes care of her two boys during the day. A prior military family, not too long ago they decided that Texas is where they wanted to plant their roots. Her husband is now a police officer and he assists Gwen with many of the furniture deliveries.

During the photo shoot Gwen told me of her passion for making sustainable and long-lasting furniture. “Wood is quicker to biodegrade than plastic”, she said and I agree! She also has experience in re-purposing furniture pieces so they can be saved from the landfill. Gwen seeks out local businesses for any paint supplies needed for her projects because she wants to do her part to support other small businesses as well.

Why the name Woodhouse? It turns out that their family dog inspired the name and Woodhouse just happens to be a good guard dog too. *RUFF* – see, he agrees. The wood working skills run in Gwen’s family as her father and grandfather are hobbyist wood workers. Her dad sometimes offers to assist with any orders and it is sweet to see all family bonding that is happening through this woodworking business. Gwen loves her family and her two growing boys, I know they are at the heart of her reasons for starting the business. It is easy to see her love for this type of work too and all the care that she puts in to each piece for her clients.

I’m so glad that I got a chance to visit with Gwen. Now, you have a chance to support a budding small business near you! I know that with every order a small business receives there is a happy dance on the other end of the phone call, email, or facebook message! If you are looking for custom patio furniture, a new table for your kitchen or dining room, or restoration of an existing piece…I know that Gwen would love to hear from you.

Check out the Woodhouse and Co page on Facebook!

For inquiries, including custom orders, restoration, or pricing, please contact Guinevere Sturch by phone at (817) 980-6163 or by email at

Cup of Encouragement – 5 Must Try Coffee Roasts!

Coffee for Two
Coffee for Two, Please

I’m not a morning person. My first born is not a morning person either. We get each other. My youngest…she pops her head off the pillow with a smile on her face. Have you ever seen someone do that?! Literally wake up with a smile. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?! She’ll run in to my room, tap me on the shoulder and say, “Mom, MOM, MOMMMEEEE! I’m awake!” Lately, she has been adding, “I’m a morning person, right, Mommy?” to this routine. Oh goodness, she melts my heart, so I can’t be mad, but I still need coffee.

Since I have tried a plethora of coffees and because I feel we could all benefit from a good cup…here are some coffee brands and blends to try. Make sure to check out my “Top 10” section to make sure you have some great coffee accessories like a coffee bean grinder, air lock storage container, a kettle, or even a french press! Now, let’s get some pep in your step, a gleam in your eye, and give your tired mind a wake-up call with one of these delicious coffees! Or as my husband would say…some yum yum in your tum tum.

Queen Anne Roasters – Seattle, WA

Queen Anne Roasters – Ghost Alley Blend
Smooth, smooth, smooth. Maple syrup, molasses, and gentle almond notes are present in this roast. Queen Anne Roasters (based in Seattle, WA) even told me that I nailed their flavors! I did a coffee cupping tutorial on Facebook with this blend. I totally geeked out when they commented on my Instagram post and I want to try more roasts from them. This blend has Ethiopian, Uganda, Brazilian, and Indian Robusta beans. Unique and well crafted, they are so smart with this roast.

Pearl Cup Coffee – Costa Rica Blend
I stumbled upon this blend after a visit to Pearl Cup’s Richardson location. This Costa Rica blend was on drip and I’m so glad that I had a chance to experience this roast. Chocolate and nutty flavors shined through, making this a very delightful cup! You’ll have to make a trip one of their shops to pick up this roast – Richardson, Plano, or Dallas (Preston Hollow). They have many options for your coffee pleasure, including french press, chemex, kalita pour-over, and much more.

Pearl Cup – Richardson, TX

Apropos Roasters – Coffee Subscription
Does someone in your family or one of your friends love coffee? Do you love them too? I got two words for you…COFFEE SUBSCRIPTION. Jennie-Mae, owner of Apropos Roasters, was featured on Etsy and her story is worth a read! This will be a coffee that your gift receiver will RAVE to you about and hopefully, you’ll get an invite to partake too! Jennie gives excellent customer service and can create a custom order. She creates some of the cutest wedding favors featuring her coffee! If you’re ever in Richmond, VA check out Sefton Coffee Company to get a taste of Apropos Roasters!

Addison Coffee Roasters – Kenya Peaberry
I never ever EVER purposefully tried a coffee described as having “fruit notes”. Fruit…in coffee…WHY? I’m just imaging someone dropping half a peach in my coffee. (Let’s just side step the fact that coffee beans are considered a fruit.) Y’all, I found a good one with this peaberry blend. Apricot notes make this a joyful tasting cup and it had no bite to it at all. They described it as “bright” and a “clean cup” and I wholeheartedly agree. It would pair beautifully with a relaxing afternoon and a good book in a garden.

White Rock Coffee Roasters – Brazil Monte Cristo
This Texas coffee roaster hails from Dallas, TX. You can purchase coffee directly from their site. They do source a large part of their coffee through direct trade; from the coffee grower/farm to their roastery. This particular coffee tastes like CHOCOLATE and PEANUTS. A tasty match that I really enjoyed because who doesn’t like chocolate covered peanuts? It’s a timeless flavor pairing that most likely has it’s own trophy in dessert heaven!

Let me know if you purchase from one of these roasters! Come find me on Instagram or Facebook for more coffee related posts and fun. This journey has truly been a blast for me and I can’t wait to share more about my coffee hunting travels, life, and all I discover along the way.

Warmest Wishes and Coffee Dreams,
Erin aka Coffee Mama Bear

Do you have a coffee brand or blend that you LOVE?
Please, share it with me!

Are you a coffee roaster and want to send me coffee?
I’d love to be your friend too.

Do you make cute coffee related cups, mugs, or shirts?
I’d love to feature your handmade items.

Contact me:

Coffee Mama Bear – Self Portrait